unlockhd.exe lg
unlockhd.exe hd
unlockhd.exe sony
unlockhd.exe powerjet
unlockhd.exe lcd
unlockhd.exe epson
unlockhd.exe nokia
unlockhd.exe kas
unlockhd.exe lenovo
unlockhd.exe asus
unlockhd.exe xiaomi
unlockhd.exe apple
unlockhd.exe haute couture
unlockhd.exe xiaomi
unlockhd.exe apple
unlockhd.exe xiaomi
unlockhd.exe apple
unlockhd.exe samsung
unlockhd.exe samsung
unlockhd.exe komputer
unlockhd.exe amazon
unlockhd.exe smartfren
unlockhd.exe dell
unlockhd.exe samsung
unlockhd.exe acer
unlockhd.exe galaxy
unlockhd.exe jap
unlockhd.exe powerjet
unlockhd.exe lenovo
unlockhd.exe samsung
unlockhd.exe komputer
unlockhd.exe kas
unlockhd.exe hd
unlockhd.exe sony
unlockhd.exe samsung
unlockhd.exe samsung
unlockhd.exe komputer
unlockhd.exe asus
unlockhd.exe lenovo
unlockhd.exe hd
unlockhd.exe dell
unlockhd.exe acer
unlockhd.exe samsung
unlockhd.exe hp
unlockhd.exe acer
unlockhd.exe samsung
unlockhd.exe acer
unlockhd.exe lg
unlockhd.exe xiaomi
unlockhd.exe hp
unlockhd.exe samsung
unlockhd.exe acer
unlockhd.exe hp
unlockhd.exe acer
unlockhd.exe hp
unlockhd.exe samsung
unlockhd.exe samsung
unlockhd.exe acer
unlockhd.exe samsung
unlockhd.exe hp
unlockhd.exe samsung
unlockhd.exe xiaomi
unlockhd.exe acer
unlockhd.exe hp 01e38acffe
Then reboot, load the installation, and unlock the drive. Once you boot into the OS for the first time you should see an icon in the tray like this:
To get rid of the boot time locks, boot into BIOS and deactivate the EFI boot.
How to make matplotlib integrate cleanly with python?
I recently discovered matplotlib, and have been going through the documentation to get a feel for how to plot. As I go through, the documentation is not very consistent. For example, if I create a figure with plt.figure() and then add a subplot with plt.subplot() I get the following figure:
However, if I create a figure with plt.figure() and then create subplots with fig, then I get the following figure:
The latter example is what I would expect, but the former example seems to be what matplotlib expects, and the documentation seems to provide the same answer. I would really like to understand the difference.
The former example is for when you are already in a matplotlib.figure object, but would like to add a new subplot.
The latter example is when you have not already created a matplotlib.figure object.
As for the 'adding subplots' functionality, which you can do through either of the methods, it is based on a button widget on the figure. (So if you used a figure in the first way, the subplot button would be missing.)
The second way of creating a figure (that also allows subplots) is using pyplot:
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
# Create the figure
fig = plt.figure()
# Create the subplot
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
# Add axes labels
ax.set_title('Title of subplot')
# As of matplotlib 1.4.0, you can just use 'plt.subplot' here
Note that both of the above ways of creating a figure use axes objects (ax). The 'add subplot' functionality is only available on axes objects.
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